Portraits Brussels photographer
Portraits Brussels photographer
Shooting portraits & events


Blog tagged as eu

No, that just wasn't possible. Ok, at the European Commission I could get a few meters from him. Though it was no more than a talking head, I stayed focused on his gestures, smiles, eyes and expressions for the entire press conference, ending up with a nice series of portraits. Probably just like th...
31.03.14 08:43 PM - Comment(s)
SEE.me is a new platform for crowdsurfing, to support work, like photography SEE.me is a new platform for crowdsurfing, to support work, like photography     I uploaded my ongoing photography-project to See.me Have a look now.   If you like photography and would like to support my EU photography project, please support me or just assign me for your project. &...
22.04.13 07:06 PM - Comment(s)
People of SKEPP.be and scepticist all over the world organised a collective suicide last saturday at 10.23, with Homeopathic drugs. Ex-senator Kim Geybels was there too. Her first appearance since her Thailand Drugs scandal. Sunday and monday in Standaard and Nieuwsblad (Belgian newspapers) Kim Geybels Kim Geybels
08.02.11 06:51 PM - Comment(s)
Sorry, no posts for a few days, but only because I just was very busy with...photography. Doing an assignment at the European Committee I ran into some journalism: Greenpeace blocking the entrance!   Greenpeace blocks European Parliament with nuclear waste.   These images are copyrightprotected. For any use contact agency REPORTERS
09.10.10 06:55 PM - Comment(s)
Annemie Turtelbaum Some shots on the go of this strong Belgian politician, Annemie Turtelbaum. Annemie TurtelbaumAnnemie Turtelbaum
20.09.10 06:41 PM - Comment(s)


+32(0)495793922 info@portraits.brussels