What photography pays (news, magazines)

26.03.13 06:10 AM By Sander de Wilde

I found this great document to be filled in by photographers themselves. So they can see how prices are nowadays in photographyland. Don't be shocked by some really poor paid images and assignments. Readers and buyers of printed news, now you knows where your money doesn't go!-) And let's praise the photo-editors who still pay photographers a healthy amount of money for there work. Schermafbeelding 2013-03-26 om 09.09.29 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0Apt8CXh0qSbtdEU0aklWQ0VmZmxKc2t0WDdsazh2TVE&chrome=false&gid=0

Sander de Wilde

+32(0)495793922 info@portraits.brussels