Photographing royalty can be big fun
Portraits Brussels photographers
Portraits Brussels photographers

Photographing royalty can be big fun

07.11.13 09:18 PM By Sander de Wilde

At the last 'blijde intrede', a tour where the new Belgian Royals King Philippe and queen Mathilde visit all provinces of Belgium, last but not least they visited Brussels. Every now and then I photograph royalty too (it is the best selling subject worldwide, helas) and this time I was there too, on this rainy day. As there are so many other photographers too, I tried to focus un the surroundings and hidden moments of the day.       Janssen & Janssen This situation reminded me of Tin Tin's Janssen and Janssen. cityhall Brussels cityhall Brussels Carpark of the royal family is surreal Zwarte pieten bestaan ook in Belgie Zwarte pieten bestaan ook in Belgie   In the Netherlands there is this discussion of Zwarte Pieten, but here in Brussel I see them all around... Royals peek through a window Royals peek through a window O yes, I shot the royals themselves too, peeking through a window from cityhall, not so happy with the weather I guess.

Sander de Wilde

Portraits Brussels photographers