Portraits Brussels photographer
Portraits Brussels photographer
Shooting portraits & events


Blog tagged as teacher

As a photographer every now and then I may criticize amateur photographers through Gurushots. It's a paid review and takes quite some time and effort, but it's a really nice way to help others, and to build my ego!-)   This week my review became the Critique of the Week. Don't ask me why....
26.09.13 05:34 PM - Comment(s)
sander de wilde teached at skvr Teaching photography at the SKVR Rotterdam in the Netherlands always was big fun. Getting my students really enthousiastic about all facets of photography was very satisfying, and maybe I'll do it again later. At the grand opening queen Beatrix visited my class of teenagers photographing each other...
04.02.11 08:33 PM - Comment(s)


+32(0)495793922 info@portraits.brussels