
Blog categorized as commercial

Art director Anja de Boer asked me to make a portrait of 4 youngsters for her design of a poster.
24.06.08 04:26 AM - Comment(s)
For magzine NL010 we tested all applepies of Rotterdam. Great work but an unhealthy assignment.
24.06.08 03:39 AM - Comment(s)
cheering kidscheeringkids supporting their team in Leiden This assignment for OOM (Metalsector Holland) was ment to enthousiasm kids about working with metal. They had to build their own bikes and race on it against eachother. I'd say it became I very strong mysterious series on these kids, and so said the client.
23.06.08 06:49 PM - Comment(s)
two girls with painted faces In Amsterdam I did this reportage in de Baarsjes about a party organised by the local gouvernment.
11.06.08 04:35 AM - Comment(s)
For a technical magazine I made this portrait of a scientist and his Robot-Cat. (Philips Eindhoven)
22.04.08 07:03 PM - Comment(s)
corporate portraits Portrait of this ceo of a social housing company in Rotterdam.
24.06.07 04:31 AM - Comment(s)
Donkervoort cars When I just started photography, I did automotive photography for Donkervoort (Dutch sportscars) with my Cambo 4x5" camera. I love to do Polaroid 45, with instant negatives, developed on the spot!
24.06.06 07:11 PM - Comment(s)

